Thursday, May 30, 2013

Break anytime soon?

With having ten kids, a restaurant, a husband, moving, trying to loose weight (who am I kidding...scratch that), and trying to have a life is...well...time consuming (I think that is the best way to put it). If someone was to tell me that they were busy with one of the above listed I might would just have to laugh in their face. It might just be me but the last month it has seem to never slow down. Usually, there is one day or if your lucky two days out of the week that you have to recharge. Lately, we haven't had one of those days. They start to ware on you after a while. I see the light at the end of the tunnel soon, even if it is only in my dreams.

We are big Les Miserables fans. Christopher got me hooked along time ago, we listen to the soundtrack in our restaurant and we actually downloaded the 10 anniversary on our computer. So when it came out in the movies we freaked out! We saw it and the second it came out on DVD we bought. With that being said we have preteens and teens that love pop music. So you will only get this is you know the latest pop music and have seen Les Miserables.

More to come. Till then.....Pray for me.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Busy Business, Busy Baby, Busy Bunch

I havent updated since the first time because I how freakishly busy I have been.

We opened our Wine Bar. Man, owning your own business is rough. The social media alone is a job all by it's self. Enough about being busy....

So...the kids are out of school. Which is a bitter sweet thing. The kids not having to go to school is great. They like it and as a parent that is what you want, your kids to be happy. The bitter part the house is always a mess. lol AWFUL.

On Facebook everyone was posting pictures of their kids graduating to the next level, the next grade, the next chapter in life, even if it is only from 3rd grade to 4th grade. Forget the law graduates and Medical school gradates. "We are proud of our little tommy that made it from the 4th grade to 5th grade, exciting new chapter!!!" Hmmm.... So I posted on Facebook...
"Since everyone is congratulating their children on passing and being promoted to the next level, I need to congratulate my bunch...

Good job Devin, Jaryd, Victoria, Abigail, Isabella, Alexander and Adrianna for waking up early everyday by ice cold water being poured on you, for late nights on projects your dad and I didn't know about till the day before and for doing your homework everyday while being strapped in to your chair.

Also, Guinevere is starting Kindergarten in the fall...Congratulations on be able to partake in the festivities next year!!

Love PROUD parents!"
I figured that was more appropriate :)
Speaking about the house always being a mess, I do have to give props to my husband. With having a million children, you could only image the laundry we have. In a matter of several days, hours of labor, sweat/tears/blood and getting lost in the pile of dirty laundry, my husband manage to do the impossible. HE FINISHED THE LAUNDRY!!!!
I don't think I have ever seen the bottom of that floor. 
Oh and Samson is 7 months old. Crawling, talking, and growing. Here is a picture of him at the first time in a buggie at Kroger!! Photobomb- wheelchair guy
Anyway, much to do. I'll be back soon. Till then, Pray for me.